Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Obama more popular cars

Charisma's first black president of the United States, Barack Obama, was transferred to the car disappeared. In a survey carried out in Great Britain, Obama Used to be preferred as the British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Page USAtoday.com Autoguide.com and cited British pollsters survey Craigslist car ask who is the best choice among the world's leading company of many. The survey covers approximately 2,000 respondents. The results. "The respondents prefer English Barack Obama by car rather than David Cameron has used," said Jim Buckmaster, Craigslist chief executive officer, as autoguide.com city.

Automotive Obama was elected by 28 percent, followed by a car from the German Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, 14 percent and a car owned by the British Prime Minister David Cameron, 13 percent. If the question is reversed, the car that you choose not to, if you buy a used car in the world's best, it seems that the vehicle of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, on top of the list.

As much as 35 percent of respondents said they never want to buy a used car Berlusconi. Personal history is worse than the old number one in Italy was the reason for their rejection.

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