Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

7 cannibal world's most dangerous

1. Suku Karibia

The name of this tribe has become the term used for human food, the other people. This strain is known as the first tribe in the world who practice cannibalism is not known. Often called by sailors "The people of the Lesser Antilles, Caribbean." The name given by Christopher Columbus on his file with the name "Caniba" (which means "to eat people, the people," another word Kariba that is). The tribe of cannibalism in the Caribbean is usually the enemy, but since the introduction of Christianity there, the culture began to disappear slowly.

2. Suku Aztec

The tribe of the Aztecs is probably the most brutal tribes before the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. They use human sacrifices of thousands each year. The victims are mostly in a state of the heart that still beats away alive. Then his body was food to eat in a gang.

3. Suku Asli Amerika

In the early days of the conquest of the Americas, many historians have told us that the tribes of Indians practiced cannibalism. Although controversial now, but many of those who practice evidence kanibalesme Indian tribes claim. For example, Karankawa Indian tribes in Texas, in 1768 a Spanish priest who came to watch and record the rituals performed Karankawa hostage to the enemy. They surrounded the victim and in turn cutting the skin / flesh of his victims and ate it before the eyes of his victims.

4. Suku-suku di Afrika

The inhabitants of this continent cannibalism until recently. Although it is invisible to the eye is never to be seen, many witnesses, the existence of the activity of trading in human organs is reported. Accompanied by evidence that many migrants have gone to spend the holidays /. Kidnappings carried out usually by these criminals. Also acts at the time of the second Congo war and civil war in Liberia and Sierra Leone cannibalism is mentioned widely.

5. Suku Fiji

Cultural cannibalism is also known for dissemination in the field of Polynesia and Melanesia. For example, the Fiji Islands are also known as cannibalism. A tribal leader admitted drinking Fiji 875 people and is very proud of him.

6. Suku Korowai

Korowai tribe of Papua, Indonesia, as a tribe that is still left in the world known, and to cannibalism to the present. They usually eat the members of his tribe are suspected of witchcraft. Normally they eat the brain while still warm in the state. Their houses are usually on the trees that are useful to protect from his enemies.

7. Suku Maori

Maori tribes in New Zealand is a tribe of cannibals, which are well documented. Cannibalism is a part of Maori culture was, and they never stop to eat their enemies. When the British ship, anchored the Boyd and the crew killed the son of the Maori chiefs, tribal Maori warriors in revenge killing and eating 66 crew members of the tersebut.kejadian, eventually known as the "massacre of the body."

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