Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Men Without it, none of the Apple technology

Ritchie is a new system that turns all the rules of the programming software.

Steve Jobs mourns the death of many people around the world, as no small contribution to the world of technology. However, would progress in the use of Apple and its products without the discovery in the digital world by Dennis Ritchie, the 8th Died in October 2011 possible.
Early in 1970, Ritchie created the C programming language Ritchie The new system will change according to the rules of the programming software. System programming language C is thinner and lighter than on the computer at this time. In addition, this programming language used on other computers.

In addition, change each other's work posed a computer system is a Unix operating system that was developed in 1969. Systems with Ken Thompson has been widely used both as a server or workstation.
This system is the most important in the development of the Internet and change the process of data processing is done centrally on the network from a single process on a computer. Linux, an operating system that was adopted from Unix and is responsible for the popularity as an alternative to proprietary operating systems like Microsoft Windows.
C programming language developed over time. Apple is using the language C + +, while Microsoft C #. Meanwhile Unix systems provide electricity for hundreds of millions of Apple and Android devices, Internet companies and small gadgets such as video recorder and music player.

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